Our Pipeline

Harnessing the therapeutic power of cannabinoids

We are developing a portfolio of prescription medicines that is harnessing the therapeutic benefits of cannabinoids to treat people living with chronic and debilitating conditions that remain under-served by existing medicines.  

Our approach is to make medicines that target an important biological system in the body, known as the Endocannabinoid System (ECS).  The ECS plays an important role in maintaining the balance between our physical and mental health including regulating pain, mood, memory, sleep, appetite, and the immune response to cancer.  

Where this balance becomes disrupted by disease, the aim is to restore it with cannabinoid-based treatments that are rigorously tested and approved by regulators such as the FDA so that they can be prescribed by physicians and reimbursed by insurers.

We are working with three types of cannabinoid compounds 

  • Synthesized phytocannabinoids where the cannabinoid found in the plant is chemically reproduced e.g. CBD, THC

  • Cannabinoid derivatives where the compounds are chemically modified to improve drug-like characteristics 

  • Novel chemical entities (NCEs) - these are not cannabinoids but are chemically synthesized to behave like them and interact with cannabinoid receptors

Currently there are four active programmes and it is expected that each medicine will serve to resolve not just one but several severe chronic conditions including some rare conditions.   From a business perspective this is important as rare diseases or orphan status, as it is known, helps OCT to obtain market exclusivity where it would otherwise not be available.

Visual Pipeline

Programme 1

OCT461201 is a new chemical entity, CB2 receptor agonist, chemically synthesized to behave like a cannabinoid.

Research & Development

Programme 2

OCT130401: Drug/Device Combination, Pre-clinical development underway, initially targeting trigeminal neuralgia

Programme 3

Will be a diversified pCB-derivative with undisclosed indication, with aim to develop up to the pre-clinical stage by Q2 2023

Programme 4

Will be a cannabinoid derivative with a new target for pain and potentially other therapeutic areas, with aim to progress to lead candidate by Q2 2023